FEATURED 100% CLUB 100% CLUBS • IBA treasurer will make sure all dues are accurate, any overpayment will be returned if necessary. • The IBA needs to grow their membership and hopefully this will encourage other non-100% clubs to become one. • Along with reduced membership rates, some other perks the 100% clubs enjoy are - individual newsletter section, 1/2 page ad in the newsletter for your shoot schedule, full page article describing your club (first come first served). Your IBA Board of Directors
To all 100% clubs During the IBA March board meeting at the Spring Banquet it was discussed how to make things more affordable for our clubs where every single member of the club is an IBA member. With continued discussion at the June board meeting, the board thought this was an excellent idea and would be implemented soon. Here’s how it works. • Beginning January 1, 2023, dues will drop to $15 per member for all 100% club members (2 or 3 year discount does not apply). • Current membership dues of $25 remain for all other IBA members with the existing options of 2 or 3 year discounts.
Clayton County Archers Elkader, Iowa Hickory Ridge Bowhunters Pella, Iowa Pottawattamie Bowhunters Council Bluffs, Iowa Blackhawk Archers Waterloo, Iowa Raymond Bowhunters Raymond, Iowa Pine Lake Archers Eldora, Iowa Wapello Chief Bowmen Ottumwa, Iowa
Atlantic Archers Atlantic, Iowa Mid-Iowa Archers Indianola, Iowa South Central Bowhunters Chariton, Iowa Echo Valley Archers West Union, IA Riceville Archery Club Riceville, IA
Your IBA board has been contemplating what else we can do for the 100% clubs. Along with reduced member rates, member coupons, IBA Shootout participant, Iowa Games host, and individual newsletter section, we have decided to also include at no cost a shoot schedule for your club (no larger than one half page). Just get your schedule to the editor by the newsletter deadline and it will be included in the next issue of the Iowa Bowhunter.
Outdoors with Outdoors Dan Show 7 - 9 AM: Saturdays on 1350 ESPN Des Moines, Iowa For Podcasts or to listen online just click to
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