Deadlines amuse me. Show me a deadline you think I can’t ignore and I’ll show you how wrong you are. However, there is a huge difference between ignore and forget. I’m not 100% sure, but I think I missed a deadline for a recent Bowhunter by forgetting, not ignoring. If you recall my last Bonkers’ World covered a lot of ground but it ended with me sharing plans for a trip to Mesa, Arizona for my wife and I to attend some Cubs spring training games. To say the trip started off on the wrong foot would be an understatement. We had very little snow or cold weather all winter but for some reason mother nature elected to dump several inches of snow on eastern Iowa the morning we were to fly out. March snow storms aren’t that unusual but as fast as the storm hit and with the amount of snow that fell it was a white knuckle drive to the airport. I was kind enough to drop the wife off at the terminal and I was left to find a parking spot on the back forty lot. I’d like to say I found an actual parking spot but what I found was a relatively straight line of parked cars but the lines that define what a parking spot is were under several inches of snow. I parked and I hoped when we got back my truck would be somewhere close to properly parked. Before we left for the airport I had a choice to make, should I dress for Mesa’s weather or the weather we were experiencing? One look out the window answered that question for me. The trudge from the probably improperly parked truck that was soon to get a ticket convinced me I had made the correct choice. Tee shirt, shorts and sandals would have been a very bad choice. Not that I make good choices very often, but this was one of those times. The plane and flight were actually on time. Even though I had my do everything in my hand, I no longer call it a cell phone because these things do everything now including scratching my back if I hold it just right. Well, I tried to drive a nail with my cell phone once, even though it was a bag phone it still failed to drive the nail. Anyway, I had BONKER’S WORLD FALL ISSUE
my do everything in my hand the whole flight so I could capture a video of anyone who acted out so I too could be one of those people who take videos instead of trying to intervene and improve a situation. The flight was absolutely uneventful. Our luggage made it to the carousel intact and unopened by the TSA, well the donut I had in my suitcase was still there so I assume it passed inspection and didn’t require a search. We took a taxi to the motel and for once we had a calm and relaxing ride through traffic. We checked in, unpacked and took a walk around the area. Sloan Park, I think I just heard angels sing, is everything we had expected. Just walking around the complex you could tell it was going to be as nice inside the park as the grounds around it. What is the goal of every Cubs fan? To fly the “W” in the stands after a win. Toward that end we purchased an MLB certified W flag. Those three little letters (MLB) should stand for Money Left Behind. Why? Because of the three games we attended they went O-3. So now we a have an unused W flag. Even though the baseball was bad, the park was very nice. Lots of friendly people, even those wearing Cardinals and Brewers gear were OK once I had enough tolerance juice on board. One very special thing happened while we were in Mesa. I learned how to use Uber. Hey, don’t laugh. As a technology challenged almost septuagenarian I was quite proud of that accomplishment. Oh, and the tickets for everything on my do everything device. That took a lot of trust and caused a lot of consternation on my part but it all worked. We did have one Uber ride that was a bit shaky. The vehicle was a nice looking Suburban but it sounded and felt like the transmission was about to fall out and the driver might have been from a different planet. The sedate and safe taxi we had from the airport made this ride feel like it should have been a combination of a carnival ride and a freak show. It worked though so no harm no foul.
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