FOR YOUR INFORMATION Membership Expiration Many people do not know when their IBA membership expires. To alleviate this a bit, the last time you renewed is shown following your name in the address section on the back of the particular issue.


We have life member pins available upon request at no charge to you. We do not mail them out, but you can contact any board member and make arrangements to get one. It would be best to just come to a board meeting

(dates listed in the Iowa Bowhunter) and pick it up, but another arrangement would be fine also, it is shaped in a arrowhead and has IBA LIFE MEMBER printed on it.

Looking for a Few Good Men or Women

Are you at that stage in life that you have some time that you would like to volunteer and give back. Your kids have left the nest and you don’t have grandkids yet. Are you a dedicated Bowhunter that cares enough about our sport that you are willing to give up six days a year? The IBA is looking for a few good men or women to run for the board of directors. As in any organization, we need new people to introduce new ideas and stay current with the times to be successful, and also to continually improve the IBA organization. Your involvement helps to ensure that the hunting opportunities we enjoy now will continue for generations to come. The board meets five times a year and never during an archery season; after all we are bowhunters. Three of the meetings are held separately in Des Moines, one is in Des Moines during the FALL Banquet, and one is in Eldora during the Fall Festival. If you would like more information please contact one of the people to the right. Many people do not know when their IBA membership expires. To alleviate this a bit, the last time you renewed is shown following your name in the address section on the back of the particular issue. Terry Koppes 641-858-7182

Randy Taylor 641-521-1050 Denny Bradley 641-226-2584



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