I’d like to introduce myself - I grew up and worked most of my life in NW Iowa. My Grandpa Gibb fostered in me a love and appreciation of the outdoors. Many enjoyable times fishing and hunting were spent on his family farm. In 1977 I picked up a recurve bow and have been bowhunting ever since. I’ve recently relocated to southern Iowa for better outdoor opportunities and to be closer in distance to my daughter in Coralville. As a lifelong member of the Iowa Bowhunters Association, I felt privileged to serve as a Board member. I’d like to give a big “shout out” to past president Chase and all members of
the Board for their time and dedication in promoting the sport of bowhunting and the IBA. Some activities the IBA supports/ sponsors Include the Fall Festival (outdoor target shoot) a booth at the IA Deer Classic, school archery programs, advocating for policies/laws at the state level to promote land/wildlife conservation, Camp High Hopes (inclusive outdoor activities for all) DNR land purchase for youth outdoor, Ted Nugent Kamp for Kids, Wapello Co. Chief Bowman Kids Camp, Target Trafficking (By Wings of Refuge), programs and the Spring Banquet: seminars, fellowship, meal and items for auction/raffle. The IBA also sponsors a scholarship
essay contest. The recipient is invited and recognized at the Spring Banquet. The IBA continues to promote, protect, and defend the hunting rights of all Iowans through legislative efforts. A goal of the IBA is to have more youth and female representation. Please feel free to contact me with suggestions or if we have inadvertently left out recognizing anyone for past archery awards! I look forward to helping grow the Iowa Bowhunters Association and hoping to visit with you at one of our upcoming events! Have a safe and successful hunt!
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