As I write this another bow season has ended. I hope everyone has had a safe and great season. As I have visited with people over different areas of the state it seems hunters are not seeing the number of deer we use to see. I think it is a result of several different factors. The loss of habitat, predators, EHD and overharvest are all contributing factors. That is why I would like to take a moment and discuss things that we all can do. First, make all people that have an interest in the outdoors that enjoys nature whether it is wildflowers, songbirds, butterflies, turkeys, deer and other wildlife to know the IBA has a tool to use and it is called Voter Voice. It is simple to use. Go to the IBA website ( advocacy/action-center/) and it is listed. That gets sent to the legislators. You can make your own statements or simply click a message that the IBA has stated.
We have members using it but we really need more people yet to use it. I, personally, would like to get it out to more people over the whole state. They don’t need to be bowhunters that is why I am asking all members to get the word out. The more legislators hear from the public, the better chance we have to kill some of these bad bills. The two that come up every year is the public lands bill and the forest reserve bill. I will touch on both of them. The public lands bill is where they want to end any purchase of land for public use. That is all I have to hunt personally, and anybody that is in the same boat as I am in knows the frustration when there is not enough land. Iowa is near the bottom in public lands. My worries on the forest reserve bill if they do not give incentives on timber, we will lose a lot of our timber when we don’t have that much to begin with. I am originally from NW Iowa and
what I have seen taken out in the last twenty years is unbelievable. Many of you throughout the state have seen the same scenario. There will be other bills, I am sure. Eric (our lobbyist) and some of our board members will be at the Capitol speaking out on bills that are not what we consider good. The session starts around January 10 so keep checking the IBA Website. We need each and every one of you to stop some of these bills it is simple to click voter voice. The next two events we are working on is the Iowa Deer Classic and our IBA spring banquet. We are going to change some things for our banquet spruce it up a little bit. Like in the past every kid goes home with something. For the ladies, there will be some jewelry and gift baskets. So, you guys bring the wives and the kids. For the men, there will be things you can’t go home without. Keep watching our website and Facebook for updates on seminars, silent auction, live auctions and raffle items. So, we hope to see and meet everyone at the spring banquet. Feel free to come up and talk me always like to talk about archery. If you would like to discuss anything or have ideas to grow the IBA we are here to listen. Sincerely,
Loren Wakeman President IBA
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